215 West 4th Street Vancouver WA 98660
Proudly serving the people and families of Clark County since 1992 in these legal matters:
Community and Separate Property
Legal Separation and Divorce/Dissolution
Child Custody and Parenting Plans
Paternity, Visitation and Adoption
Grandparent and Nonparent Custody
Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements
Wills, Powers of Attorney and Probate
QDROs and Retirement Plan Orders
215 West 4th Street Vancouver WA 98660
Proudly serving the people and families of Clark County since 1992 in these legal matters:
Community and Separate Property
Legal Separation and Divorce/Dissolution
Child Custody and Parenting Plans
Paternity, Visitation and Adoption
Grandparent and Nonparent Custody
Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements
Wills, Powers of Attorney and Probate
QDROs and Retirement Plan Orders

William Brendgard has been a trusted advisor for hundreds of people in their personal legal matters. Areas of special interest include parenting rights, community property, qualified domestic relations orders, and prenuptial agreements. William Brendgard is known for providing realistic advice and competent professional services. His clients appreciate the reliable service and efficient handling of legal matters